Home » Events » PAHA Scientific Lecture; DNA polymerase revolution; Speaker-Wojciech Kuban PhD of the NIH, October 29th, 2011


PAHA Scientific Lecture; DNA polymerase revolution; Speaker-Wojciech Kuban PhD of the NIH, October 29th, 2011


Dear PAHA Members and Friends.
You are cordially invited to the
Polish American Health Association (PAHA)
Meeting, Lecture, Social Hour/Cocktails.

Saturday, October 29th, 2011 at 4:00pm, Polish Consulate, Washington DC.
Lecture Title:
“DNA polymerase revolution.”
Doctor Wojciech Kuban of the National Institutes of Health.

Meeting Agenda
4:00 – 4:30 Cocktails
4:30 – 5:30 Lecture
5:00 – 6:00 PAHA Business & Cocktails

Consulate Security Policy Requires RSVP,
Please RSVP by October 26th
Sincerely, Anna Korzan MD, FACP

The event will take place at
Consular Division of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Washington D.C.
2224 Wyoming Avenue N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008-3992
Link to Map
Wojciech Kuban PhD will share his experience in research on DNA Polymerases.
Enzymes perform an important function in copying genetic material – a fundamental process in the life of a cell.
We will learn DNA polymerases structure, function and clinical application in modern medicine and science.
Please see attahced articles in PDF files.

Doctor Wojciech Kuban earned his PhD degree in biochemistry from the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of Polish Academy of Sciences [IBB PAS] in 2007 and
M.S. degree in genetics and biotechnology M.S. at Warsaw Agricultural University in 2002.
He works at the Laboratory of Genomic Integrity [LGI] at National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA.
His scientific interests aim to understand the molecular events that influence genome integrity, facilitating both evolution and species stability.
He investigates the molecular mechanisms by which mutations are introduced into DNA. His interest includes the dynamics of mutagenesis, importance of mutations in genetic diseases, oncogenesis, and developmental abnormalities. He investigates how chemically modified DNA affects it’s overall structure and how those modifications influence the inheritance of genetic information.
Wojciech_Wojciech 2006 pdf

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