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CCR-PAHA Fellowship


CCR-PAHA Fellowship is a new and unique research program for young bright scientists who are interested in multi-disciplinary approach in treatment of cancer and aids.

Two Charts

Polish American Health Association (PAHA) and The National Cancer Institute Center for Cancer Research (NCI-CCR) of the United States of America are proud to announce collaborative training program for early career Polish scientists called the CCR-PAHA Fellow Program.

Trainees supported under this program would be appointed as Supplemental Fellows in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Intramural Research Program.

Objectives of the CCR-PAHA Fellow Program:

  • To build long term collaborations in the biomedical and biochemical sciences between the NCI and Polish research institutes, medical schools, universities, and research communities
  • To promote and ensure the selection of the best Polish trainees to receive outstanding scientific mentorship at NIH
  • To provide a unique opportunity for potential collaboration in future research.
  • To provide a supplemental paid grant to cover partial travel and/or housing expenses for the awardee.

Eligibility for Awards

To be eligible for the CCR-PAHA Fellowship Program, the potential award recipient must be:

  • A Polish citizen or of Polish descent (a Polish citizen or Polish American of Polish descent defined as within the last three generations
  • Formally accepted by a CCR Principal Investigator into a lab, in chemical sciences related to medical research or chemical biology including but not limited to the ares of drug discovery (design, synthesis, bioorganic, medicinal chemistry) and development (biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology); and appointed as a CCR Fellow, Intern, Guest Researcher, or Special Volunteer by the NCI. This appointed position can be at the post-doc, graduate student, or post-doctoral level.
  • Not more than 5 years has passed after receiving the doctorate; the Nominating Committee will give the first priority for approval to the young graduate and post-graduate students; however a limited amount of funding is available to award to more experienced scientists under special circumstances.

Submission Process

All applicants must submit:

  1. Filled and signed Application Form (pages 4-7). http://klf.pahausa.org/travel-grants/application-forms
  2. Most current CV with full list of publications (if applicable)
  3. A cover letter with a clear statement of past, current, and future research plans
  4. A letter of support or endorsement from applicant’s advisor/professor/team leader/research director including and indications of the importance of the planned fellowship.
  5. A letter of support from the applicant’s prospective or current sponsoring NCI Mentor. This documentation should state the Lab Chief’s understanding that she/he would be required to cover a portion of the Fellow’s stipend, in accordance with NCI policy as described in NIH Manual Chapter 2300-320-03 – NIH Intramural Visiting Fellow Program.
  6. A one- to two-page research plan that details the applicant’s plans for incorporating the CCR-PAHA Fellowship into their long-term research goals, including intentions/goals for continuing their post-fellowship research.

All documents should be submitted in electronic form (pdf format)

Documents should be sent to KLF Nominating Committee using the following e-mail address: info (at) pahausa (dot) org